Figments of My Imagination

Weirdtober 9 ~ TENS

Courtesy of Pixabay

My chiropractic appointment was on Halloween at the end of the day. The sky was cloudy and dark with wind waving the tree limbs. The office was full of spiders and webs. A jack-o’-lantern with pulp vomiting out of the mouth sat on a table. Doctor Glinda was stirring her cauldron of candy corn and smiled with fanged teeth. Surely that was fake blood I saw at the corner of her mouth.

Doctor Rathkamp appeared at the door in grim reaper attire. Instead of greeting me, he silently waved his scythe toward the patient room. All month I had teased him and called it the torture chamber, but now it seemed real. He attached the pads and wires to my lower back and put a hot pad over them. The doctor turned the dial and the TENS sensors increased in intensity. The room was darkened and eerie music began to play. 

When the reaper returned and let me out of the office, I was three inches taller and had curly hair. He never spoke to me that night, and she disappeared in a puff of smoke when I bid them goodbye. 

I woke up the next morning and thought it all a dream. I was still short and my hair straight, but I looked in the mirror and saw two pierced marks on my neck with dried blood. Hmm…

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